Thursday, July 22, 2010

Bad Karma?

I'm not sure why this happens to me all the time, it seems like most of the flights I'm on I lose terribly at seat mate roulette. I'm sitting there watching the other people board and thinking, "you're ok, no please not you, you're ok, not you, ok, not you... no I said NOT YOU, NO!
They say "I'm on the inside there..."
I don't respond, I just get up and move and let them in.
My wife thinks that maybe I'm exaggerating this but my standards are pretty fair. My standard is: IF YOU CAN'T FIT IN YOUR SEAT AREA AS DETERMINED BY WHERE THE ARM REST IS, YOU'RE TOO FUCKING BIG TO SIT NEXT TO ME. All I ask for is that they stay contained within the parameters assigned by the seat rest.
There is not reason I should have to slump over the opposite direction just so that I can avoid touching you in 5 different places. So I end up slumped over, uncomfortable and they're still touching me somewhere somehow. But I've mitigated the damage, it's only 1 place now as opposed to 5 if I hadn't given up the arm rest and a couple inches toward my side of it.
I'm not sure how I can really explain how much this frustrates me. I hate people touching me that I don't know, call me crazy. Shit, I really don't like being touched by people that I know. (I've made touchy feely people upset with me for dissing their stupid hug attempts that were totally unjustified in my opinion). I just don't want someone I don't know touching me at all, brushing my arm or leg. Don't bother apologizing, I've done nothing wrong to deserve this, I'm bitter about it.
Maybe it's all of the wrongs I've committed coming back to get me manifesting in the way that is most annoying to me. Repaying my debts for whatever I've done which is now unbeknownst to me.
I could recount the worst one of all in detail for you but I'll give you this brief synopsis. Flight from Orange County CA to Atlanta. The overweight man sitting next to me was rocking front to back the entire trip while reading the bible. Just looking at this guy you knew he was a little off and probably not in innocent ways. "HEY!, the bible is annoying enough but do you really need to rock like that the entire fucking trip? It's like 3k miles, relax, we've got over 3 hours."
Good thing karma is made up bullshit to make people feel like there's some justice in this random chance, unsympathetic world. I have hope for the Atlanta to San Antonio flight...

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