They say that by the time you're in your mid twenties your musical taste is set for life. After that point humans tend to be set in their ways and say things like "they just don't make em like this anymore". This band was so influential for me and for a lot of my friends at the time.
It could be argued that the recipe is a little sophomoric. Appealing to the least common denominator because of using simply volume dynamic to create power in the song. Or even it's a little repetitious and drawn out causing the melodies to be burnt in your brain because of the sheer repetition of them all.
I love it. It beats the shit out of what the kids are listening to these days! Shit like further seems forever's horrific vocal styling (before jon bunch made the music viable)or fall out boy or... or... or...
The song "Saturday" is one of my absolute favorites. Be sure to check the studio version, it's mo betta than a reunion show video.
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