Tuesday, June 1, 2010

it's too easy sometimes

I grew up in a small town so I can usually predict a small town mentaility a mile away. This time it came at the local gas station. I probably didn't need to mention that, it would probably be a given.
The guy had no shirt on and there were plenty of faded tatoos that included things like pot leaves and I'm sure a grim reaper somewhere (although I didn't see it there was probably a rebel flag too). He was complaining that there was no Sparks left and something about how the manager always saved a case for him. He was the gregarious kind of redneck which talks with everyone for no real reason which I guess comes with the territory of being gregarious.
The man behind the counter asked him if he was the guy who pushed Gary Coleman down the stairs. So you know what's coming right? Or did you not grow up in a small town... the countdown had already started in my head.
"that was the little guy in diff'rent strokes right?" I was surprised it didn't happen in this line but it didn't.
"yeah it sure was" said the man behind the counter as he was getting a brown bag for the can of Sparks. The guy grabbed his stuff and as he was turning to walk out the door he said "little nigger" with a smile.
You knew it would happen right? You had to... some people are that easy to read. It's times like that where I wish I was about 6" taller and built like a tank, because I would have said something. But I'm not, so I just stared blankly back. I guess it wouldn't have proved anything anyways, you can't change deep seated misunderstanding with fists, only life experience.
Although this guy probably has a black friend somewhere and refers to him as "the good kind" or "not like the others". Or not...


  1. What's really funny or sad about this is when telling a friend of mine about this he said "Racists in the south just assume everyone else is racist too". Like we are all on the same white team that shares the same white inside jokes and is a unified front against nonwhite.
    What else is funny or sad? I'm commenting on my own blog and I'm the only one.

  2. You said you feel bad about ripping off stories from my site but you shouldn't because I found it somewhere else too. And I need all the followers I can get. Repost as much as you want.
    Anyways, I'm reposting this on my blog because I've wanted to write something like this and I feel the same way.
    "and I'm sure a grim reaper somewhere" hahaha...
