Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Matt hates the world cup...

I have to disagree, I enjoy it. Do I set my clock by it or have any "Must see" matches? No, but I do appreciate a game that is played by the entire world which is largely misunderstood by the citizenry of the USA. Maybe it's because all the kids on the soccer team in high school were affluent douchery? There's got to be more to it than that, the football team was always filled with douchery of all sorts (and still is Rothlesberger, no I don't care if i misspelled it).

The main reason I think it's misunderstood is that way that it's shot for tv. Long lens from a distance, all the players look small and the action is hard to really discern. When you are able to watch the replays and the camera is zoomed in tight you can see how much action there really is. How physical the ball handling is and how brutal some of the challenges really are.

I was surprised when I first started playing soccer at around age 20 what a great game it is. I relied on physicality to make up for my lack of ball handling skills since I grew up playing baseball. The problem was the good players were just as physical and rough as well as being able to dribble circles around me. Don't tell me there isn't toughness in soccer, I had an incident after muscling in a goal on a player who was much better than I at the indoor facility in Tampa. Sure enough the next time that guy touched the ball he put it straight for my head as hard as he could. Luckily for both of us he missed but his point was made. "Don't come into my house and show me up, you got lucky"

Soccer remains misunderstood because of the way it's presented to us, with or without Hank Willams Jr doing crappy intro songs pregame.

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